The downturn in tequila production due to how blue agave is reproduced, we explain on our educational excursions, will not happen with mezcal production, and there are a myriad of reasons: Blue Agave’s Genetic Decline Threatens Tequila Production pipes in during October 2024, about the best places to drink mezcal in the US; I have friends and clients who own several mezcalerías in the US some of which are noted, but regretfully have only set foot in ones in Seattle ... and of course in Toronto: The 10 Best Mezcal Bars and Mezcalerías in the U.S. | PUNCH (
January 18: When visiting Oaxaca, here are some mezcal brands and palenques to seek out based on a recent blind tasting event held in Toronto. Both surprises and predictions prevailed at the end of the day: Takeaway From a Mezcal Blind Tasting - Tequila Aficionado Magazine
May 1: Notwithstanding the article below, there is much more to how you should decide what mezcal to buy, than considering the quality of the agave distillate. Does the brand owner do the "right thing?" How to Choose a Brand of Mezcal to Buy - Tequila Aficionado
May 1: Here's the latest installment about what the so-called experts have to say about the best mezcals currently in the US marketplace. I have trained two of them (Lane and Shad), so would tend to trust their opinions, but do remember that no two batches are the same, so what you sample from the list is likely not from the batch noted in the article, and the essay does not deal with the fact that arguably mezcals of equal or better quality are best sourced directly from small distilleries without access to the export market: Best Mezcal Brands Available in the US - Thrillist
March 20: Is there an inherent conflict of interest between your mezcal tour guide, you, and the palenquero? In this second in a series of articles we explore how to avoid it, the first in the series noted in the March 19 upload: Successful Tour Guide Series: Conflict of Interest - Tequila Aficionado
March 17: I've written and spoken about mezcal as one of the most sustainable industries in all of Mexico. Another aspect of that sustainability I recently learned, is when a baked piña lacks sufficient sugar content to warrant being crushed, fermented and distilled, and/or is in the case of Agave karwinskiis almost hollow, sort of like balsa wood, it can be used as firewood to fuel the still.
January 26: I have written tangentially about this topic, but here's a more comprehensive article about the Filipino connection in the history of agave distillates in Mexico:
January 6: Fake Bourbon should alert the mezcal industry, since if not already here, the fraudsters might be just around the corner:®i_id=68180478&segment_id=78894&te=1&user_id=ad25b1320dbc6d2a7dea6ec36bbb0f7b
January 6: Our good friend Lou Bank, with 99.9% altruism in his blood, was honored by Imbibe Magazine as someone to watch in the coming year:
December 7: A recent take on the history of Mexican distillation, albeit rather cursory and not very in-depth if at all in terms of the Chinese, the Filipinos, the indigenous roots:
November 21: How the mezcal boom helps more than the producers in Oaxaca:
October 15: The myth of traditional mezcal unravelled:
September 13: today published my article about leaving Mexico with mezcal, or shipping it, and customs issues:
September 5: recently published this article I wrote about two unique mezcla distillers, who contrast with the others in their villages, think and innovate just a bit differently than the rest:
August 20: A review of the most recently published book about mezcal, this publication centering upon the business of mezcal:
June 1: The science behind the bubbles (las perlas) in mezcal revealed, at least better than I can explain:
May 30: weighs in with recommendations regarding nine new mezcals in the US market ---- but there are others, arguably "better" but not with deep-pocket ownership:
May 21: How a bright young women tragically became the master mezcal distiller of her family:
May 20: Doing the right thing as a foreigner in the mezcal industry:
May 7: In one sense, the photograph alone of the column stills is in contrast with one of the premises of the article about making tequila as traditionally produced, and when we see it in Oaxacan mezcal country, we shudder; but not in Jalisco, apparently:
April 18: Rosario Ángeles: The only thing she has in common with the palenqueros of Santa Catarina Minas is her surname and the fact that this young, bright bilingual woman makes exquisite ancestral mezcal in Oaxaca:
April 16: Mezcal Ensambles, Mezclas and Blends: How to distinguish, and why are they made:
April 11: Are your favorite agave distillates (i.e. mezcales) craft spirits? What are the determinants? Learn here:
April 11: New Zealand's first agave distillate using tequila's Agave tequilana Weber:
March 16: Nice to see a friend's new distillery (Rambhá, by Rosario Ángeles) featured in this article about mezcal in Oaxaca:
March 15: Don't get hung up by what the suits say about methanol and mezcal:
March 8: Lest we forget, there is more to agave spirits / distillates than mezcal and tequila:
February 9: Could it happen in any mezcal producing municipalities? Animal rights groups already have us on their radar, really:
February 4: The polar opposite of what we illustrate, show, explain, teach and all the rest on our Mezcal Educational Tours of Oaxaca, begins with the use of a diffuser, rather than cooking in an in-ground sealed chamber. Here, diffuser is explained in a very readable article:
February 4: Research on alcohol (ab)use during the pandemic:
January 23: An agave distillate Dowu Under:
January 3: Interesting article about sustainability in the agave (& mezcal) industry, although at least here in Oaxaca many issues are being adequately addressed, and mezcal production in and of itself is a sustainable industry, arguably one of the most so in Mexico:
2020 December 16: Just in time for Christmas, Forbes writes of mezcal cocktails to try:
December 15: A work-in-progress, a small part of a larger project about mezcal sustainability, and palenquero resourcefulness:
December 15: Lou Bank (Agave Road Trip & SACRED) weighs in about mezcal with this primer for novices:
December 1: weighs in on mezcal products recently entering the US: Doña Vega gets my vote combining quality and price accessibility: I do acknowledge my bias, based on having introduced the brand owner to the distillers ..... but there were very good reasons that both sides decided to work together.
July 17: The most recent article about pulque in historical context, with an examination of the health benefits:
July 12: The future of the mezcal market over the next few years:
July 8: The science behind the bubbles (perlas) in mezcal:
July 7: LA Times pipes in about the 2020 crisis for small mezcal producers:
July 5: Canadian mezcal market growing by leaps and bounds:
July 5: Making mezcal might not be as wise a project as you think:
June 13: Tainted alcohol takes toll in Mexican states, as residents use whatever means to get their agave distillate in the face of COVID-19 sales restrictions:
June 1: The story of how a weaving family in Oaxaca's Teotitlán del Valle has transitioned from rugs (tapetes) to tapestries and more with an agave / mezcal theme:
May 26: Woodcarver in Oaxaca transitions to agave and mezcal motifs, both to keep up with changing trends, and to help his family cope with the economic fallout of COVID-19:
May 16: This article includes a number of really neat photos showcasing Oaxacan artisans whose art features pieces with agave / mezcal motifs, working in wood, cotton, wool, metal, stone, and even plastic. Thanks to for publishing it, here:
May 2: Not mezcal, but nevertheless, methanol poisoning in Mexico has recently killed many:
April 25: After coronavirus, Oaxaca will need entire families, not just agave distillate drinkers:
April 20: A scotch whisky finished with a hint of mezcal:
April 17: I don't necessarily agree with some of the mezcals in this recent listing, but it is worth a gander for those who cannot make it down to Oaxaca for agave distillates:
April 14: Agave as hand sanitizer, or biofuel:
April 1: Women and Mezcal: The female of the species does make mezcal, and is an integral part of the industry, from baking, to crushing, to fermenting and finally distilling:
March 17: Mezcal in Canada: Another brand set to enter the Ontario market, albeit a bit light for my liking:
March 14: Have a look at this very recent article about mezcal, in Maxim online magazine, though those who know me understand why I take issue with part of the contents:
March 4: Even Oaxacans don't get a chance to harvest aguamiel, so we do it for them (and for you):
January 31: I don't think this article about mezcal de pechuga provides the insight contained in what I wrote a few years ago, but nevertheless it's something worth a glance:
December 22: Visting Mexico City? The seven best mezcal bars:
December 14: The Financial Times just released this five minute video about Oaxaca's mezcal boom:
November 18: thinks it can teach about mezcal production and differences between it and tequila, in one minute:
November 13: How the mezcal geeks and self-styled experts are harming the industry by bad-mouthing aged mezcal (i.e. anejo and reposado):
November 8: Really? The best mezcal at any price? Did receive a payoff from a couple of the brand reps? Do blended mezcales belong on the list (I see at least two, perhaps three)? What about ABV?
My most recent mezcal article in might raise some eyebrows since which some criticism might be warranted regarding agave distillates and movie stars in the business, the positives might greatly outweigh the negatives. For me, the jury's still out.
March 6: Little has been written about the market for mezcal in Austin Texas, so this piece sets the record straight:
February 26: Should devout Jews be concerned about drinking Oaxacan mezcal that is not Certified Kosher? And what if it is?
February 25: Mezcal and our Oaxaca educational tours makes the online media in Italy:
February 7: What will become of (Oaxacan) mezcal, with multinationals buying up brands. To my thinking, the pressure to produce more has already adversely impacted some brands:
January 31: Names of mezcal brands we have assisted of which we are proud, and why there are some we cannot support:
January 8: Avoid the pitfalls of misrepresentation when buying mezcal from Oaxaca:
January 6: While written about tequila and not specifically mezcal, it's interesting from the perspective of the growing popularity of agave distillates more generally, and to my thinking the whole cristalino craze was started as a way to give tequila brands another product to compete with mezcal's growing market share:
January 5: Not sure I care for the name, or the seeming attempt to categorize mezcals as smoky, but the blurb is evidence of mezcal's growing popularity in the UK:
December 22: Holy Smoke It's Mezcalranked favorite spirits book of 2018:
December 17: Cannabis not mezcal article, still relevant as an intoxicant on its way to legalization in Mexico, arguably a healthier alternative, and yes another means of drawing tourism to Oaxaca and the rest of the nation:
December 8: Forbes weighs into the Mexican spirits market in the US:
November 26: The changing character of mezcal, as big business invades by buying up artisanal brands and making their own start-up brands:
November 16: Want to bring mezcal from Oaxaca into your home country? Here is some advice before visiting Oaxaca with that goal in mind, which hopefully will give you are realistic idea of the work involved, and steps you should take if not at least consider before starting out:
October 2: Punch Magazine article about mezcal in Oaxaca. The only thing missing from the itinerary, is a mezcal educational excursion to visit artisanal palenques:
September 26: The only problem with "field blends" (the article's term, but I prefer mezclas as the palenqueros state, or ensambles) is that unless you are here and can sample before you buy, you never really know what it's going to taste like, even if the percentage of each agave is noted on the label: http://imbibemagazine.comal-field-blends/z
September 22: Mezcal goes Mainstream, to the extreme: htps://
September 18: Dramatic increase in mezcal production expected to continue:
September 11: Mezcal in the New York Times, yet again:®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=sectionfront
August 6: Considerations prior to beginning your mezcal export/import project:
Jñly 9: New York Times features mezcal cocktails:®ion=c-column-middle-span-region&pgType=Homepage&action=click&mediaId=thumb_square&state=standard&contentPlacement=7&version=internal&
July 2: Sustainability and mezcal discussed within the context of trying to define permaculture as it relates to both:,-Mexico&id=9968771
June 28: Palenqueras or mezcaleras, no matter what you call them, women as much as men are the lifeblood of artisanal mezcal in Oaxaca:
June 9, 2018: Pulque in Mexico: The intersection of myth and science in reviewing the literature on medicinal properties:
May 19, 2018: The value of taking Spanish lessons before coming to Oaxaca for mezcal, even if you have somewhat of a background, comprehension, etc.:
May 9. 2018: I wouldn't exactly say "move over mezcal," but this article centers upon Mexican spirits other than those made with agave, such as with corn (whisky), and sugarcane (rum). A couple of my favorite brands are included:
April 29, 2018: While we promote supporting Oaxaca, the mezcal industry and those interested in learning, it is our obligation to let imbibers know the benefits of drinking agave distillates in moderation, and from time to time taking a break:
April 25, 2018: Oaxacan Rum and Mezcal: Article about Paranubes Rum, distilled in Oaxaca, owned by the brand owners of Mezcal Vago. Judah made a group of us cocktails with it a few months ago, and it was exquisite:
April 21, 2018: Finally Forbes figures out mezcal, although I disagree with some of its assessments; but then again I rarely drink export and more commercial brands:
April 15, 2018: Just wondering whether the spike in whisky sales in Mexico will continue, as the price of agave for making tequila and mezcal continue to soar, at least for the next 3 - 4 years:
April 9, 2018: Californians are now trying to compete with mezcal, by making an agave distillate, plants grown in California and fully processed there:
April 8, 2018: The newest book about mezcal by a friend and colleague, notes apparently the best mezcal cocktail:
March 27, 2018: Ron Cooper and Del Maguey Mezcal have changed the world of artisanal mezcal, for the benefit of us all, for the state of Oaxaca, and for Mexico more generally. The naysayers who now badmouth the brand and/or Mr. Cooper simply because he sold an interest in the brand to Pernod Ricard, should think twice and recognize that if it were not for Mr. Cooper, they would not be where they are today:
March 14, 2018: Mexico's federal government recently seized bottles of mezcal infused with spiders and reptiles (i.e. lizards and snakes) in an operation in Oaxaca's Benito Juárez market. One would think the feds have bigger fish to fry, especially in Oaxaca:
March 8, 2018: While not directly related to mezcal, Los Danzantes does have a mezcal brand, and is now no longer serving coca cola in it's Oaxaca restaurant, in favor of a locally made soda pop, it appears:
March 3, 2018: There are so many problems with this new brand of agave spirit and its misinformed CEO (i.e. his quote about distinuishing mezcal from tequila), we must worry about mezcal's future:
February 24, 2018: The rising price of agave and agave spirits (mezcal and tequila):
January 28, 2018: Article about why mezcal in Oaxaca is important on the world stage:,-National-and-Global-Significance-of-Mexicos-Iconic-Spirit&id=9874627
January 27, 2018: Article about the discovery of four new agave species discovered in Oaxaca, and more generally about agave worldwide, numbers of species where, and Oaxacan diversity suitable for the succulent:
January 7, 2018: Here's a recent detailed analysis of last year's change in the regulation regarding the restriction on acidity for certified mezcal, although great "mezcal" continues to be produced with acidity previously deemed unacceptable, and of course with methanol above the current maximum (and in fact I have purchased wonderful agave distillate from one of the Vago distillers, which was rejected by the certification board for not passing the laboratory standard):
January 3, 2018: Learn about the historic use of Agave henequén for making sisal by visiting hacienda Sotuta de Peón in the course of a Yucatán driving trip, but don't expect much in the way of quality mezcal or agave distillate production:
December 27, 2017: Mezcal is a primary reason why Oaxaca gets so many visitors, according to Fodors:
November 5, 2017: It's a common question, so yes, there are agave spirits outside of Mexico, with an interesting background / history on occasion:
November 4, 2017: While my expertise and this website focus upon mezcal, if it's not agave then it should be craft beer, and here's where to drink it in Oaxaca:
November 3, 2017: A new listing of some of the best places to drink mezcal in the city of Oaxaca, though some goodies are missing:
October 21, 2017: Rethinking Mezcal Añejo and Con Gusano: They both deserve much more respect than they currently receive from the so-called experts, bars and mezcalerías; here's why:
September 3, 2017: Agave potatorum (i.e. tobalá) blind tasting, best part being that all the brand owners are decent people to my thinking (not always the case unfortunately), but on the other hand, there is a bit of questionable information in terms of accuracy in the article:
August 31, 2017: From Mezcal BUHO to Oaxacan restaurant in NYC, TJ spreads his wings:
July 28, 2017: Articles about Mezcal del Maguey continue, this time with a Starkman reference:
July 20, 2017: Mezcal in Texas keeps the media hopping:
July 16, 2017: The most recent word on The Pernod Rickard takeover of Mezcal de Maguey (I'm not so sure):
June 23, 2017: Dallas TX finally opens its first mezcalería ... I am proud to have provided tutelage to the owners:
June 18, 2017: The suggestion that tequila could ever take a back seat to mezcal, is indeed interesting:
June 16, 2017: Oaxacan rum heading to the US, the brainchild of Mezcal Vago's Judah Kuper:
June 14, 2017: The positives of the sale of Mezcal del Maguey to Pernod Ricards:
June 8, 2017: Mezcal distilled with marijuana in Oaxaca: A lesson in production:
June 8, 2017: Not visiting Oaxaca but want to learn about mezcal in Mexico City?:
May 7, 2017: Financial Times visits Oaxaca and reports about Mezcal in London, England:
May 5, 2017: Ten Reasons to Drink Mezcal (rather than tequila):
May 3, 2017: Huffington Post Weights in on Oaxacan Whiskey Distilled by Scorpion MezcaL Owner Douglas French: